Already the Scent of Victory Is In The Air

Rush on Clark

You can even hear him deliver this spit-flying rant, if you click on the link. Man, these guys hate Clark!

So they've taken somebody that's got a good outer appearance, somebody that makes them look like something they're not, in this case, a decorated military man. (They know they have trouble finding one of their own legitimately.) And now they're trying to put words in this man's mouth. I mean it's a Stepford candidate. That's exactly what he is. He's a Stepford candidate, and it's the Clintons that are animating him and putting words in his mouth, and the things that this guy is saying, if he had a brain at all, he wouldn't allow this to happen.
And the party of George W. Bush knows from sockpuppets.
One other point. General Clark, he was in charge of overseeing U.S. military operations in Rwanda. Did you know this? Yes, my friends, it was General Clark in charge of overseeing U.S. military operations in Rwanda when UN peacekeepers were prevented from intervening in the slaughter of nearly one million Rwandans in 1994. Remember that genocide over there that Bill ClintonÂ…"Yeah, yeah, I apologize for that, I'm sorry I didn't get moving on that a little bit sooner." And reportedly Wesley Clark along with Madeleine Albright, urged Clinton not to use military force to stop the genocide. Wesley Clark, Madeleine Albright: "Don't use military force to stop this." Now Wesley Clark poses as a man concerned about civil rights and bigotry.
Clark's record on Rwanda:
For those concerned about Clark's behavior in Kosovo, I again recommend you read Samantha Power's Pulitzer prizewinning book, "A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide." Power details many of the controversial issues raised above. In conclusion she notes, "As high as the death toll turned out to be, it was far lower than if NATO had not acted at all. After years of avoiding confrontation, the United States and its allies likely saved hundreds of thousands of lives... The man who contributed more than any other single individual to Milosevic's battlefield defeat was General Wesley Clark."

A preceding chapter in the book deals with Rwanda. There is a good summary of this topic available at: (An accompanying interview with Power is available at: The article is long and complex - don't tackle it unless you are really interested. Clark's name is mentioned near the end of the section titled, "The Pentagon Chop." The significance for us is that Lieutenant General Clark was the director of strategic plans and policy for the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon at the time. As the genocide was occurring, the Pentagon knew very little about the Hutu and Tutsis. As Power notes, Clark "frantically telephoned around the Pentagon for insight into the ethnic dimension of events in Rwanda." However, the Pentagon had little concern. Clark did. Clark cared. He attempted to get some sort of assistance for those already working in Rwanda, but nobody above him was interested.(No wonder he was unpopular with some of the Pentagon brass, harrassing them about such strategically irrelevant issues as genocide!)

Vicki's comment, two-thirds down
In Rush's world, trying to get America to do something about the 1994 Rwandan massacre is the definition of urging Clinton not to do anything.

The lies are so transparent and so furious...Clark is their worst nightmare. Guess what, fellas? We're wise to your deceit. We're not letting it happen again.