Found The Healthcare Book
Grace Budrys' Our Unsystematic Health Care System
Okay, so it's seventy bucks - it's a textbook. I'm reading it for free because my library has it.
Have you ever checked out a bunch of books on one subject, then found you didn't have the time to get to them all? If you have, then you know that sometimes you go on the weirdest tangents to decide which one to read first. I've been banging my head against a weighty tome that promises to examine procedural justice in policymaking for healthcare issues, and left the Budrys book on the nightstand for two weeks. Why? Because the weighty tome has big words, and the Budrys book has one of the worst designed covers I've ever seen. Finally, one night I picked up the book to see if it would send me off to a Cabaret-haunted sleep, and found that the book I needed all along, the perfect introduction to healthcare issues in America, was right there.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
It's timely and user-friendly, but it isn't simplistic either. It's meant to fill any gaps in knowledge for college students. The Amazon link has prices starting at $15, but maybe you can talk your local library into buying a copy or two.