Conason Shares Leaked Repub Poll - "Brand Republican" Slipping
This quote from the leaked memo cracks me up:
Welcome back. As you are well aware from meeting and talking with your constituents over the August district work period, House Republicans are facing a difficult communications environment. Following the summer vacations and back-to-school preparations, families are returning to their daily routines and focusing again on "kitchen table" issues such as the economy, health care and national security.A "difficult communications environment." It seems that whenever "kitchen table" issues come up, the Republicans encounter a "difficult communications environment."
More than any time this year, Americans are increasingly concerned about the economy, their job situation, and the latest developments in Iraq. Because of these concerns converging together in recent weeks, anxiety about the direction of the country has escalated. In the most recent New Models survey conducted by the Winston Group (September 3-4, 1,000 registered voters), the direction of the country now stands at 37-51 right direction-wrong track.
Somebody cue the gratuituous Cool Hand Luke quote. There's more fun at the link.